Mostafa Saber


Run Magento Local

Published Jun 16, 2020

Hello this is my first blog post, hope you like it 😄. I faced some problems trying to get magento running on my local device, so this post will go with you through setup steps, I didn’t invent the solution just documenting it for future usage.

This tutorial assumes you have docker and docker-compose

First you will need to install the docker compose file from bitnami.

curl -sSL > docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d

You will probably need to change port 80 in the yml

      - '8080:80'
      - '8443:443'

If you want to access it via localhost not add MAGENTO_HOST

        - MAGENTO_HOST=localhost

After doing all of this you will face a problem in accessing admin panels, as the hosts doesn’t really access the right port.

I came around this solution where I could fix the port problem from the DB.

First you will change the URLs from DB by

docker-compose exec mariadb mysql -u 'root'
use bitnami_magento;
update core_config_data set value="https://localhost:8443/" where path='web/secure/base_url';
update core_config_data set value="http://localhost:8080/" where path='web/unsecure/base_url';

Then you will need to flush the cache via

docker-compose exec magento bash
cd opt/bitnami/magento/htdocs/
bin/magento cache:flush